
Welcome to the 招生 Office. We are excited that you are interested in Southern Crescent Technical College.

Our mission is to assist you in the process of becoming a Southern Crescent student.


The sections below will guide you step-by-step through the application process. We want to make this process as simple 和 easy as possible for you.

  Step 1: 完成一个 招生 Application



The application fee is $25, non-refundable. Former student application fee is waived. 你可以付款了 在线 (如果你在网上申请), 在人,通过邮件或电话 770-228-7275.

If you have any questions about the application or admissions feel free to email admissions@sfpz.net 或透过电邮联络我们 770-228-7348.

To check your 在线 application status, follow the instructions on 在线申请状态.


To request your high school transcripts

  • Contact your high school or Board of Education.
  • Transcripts must be in a sealed envelope.
  • Many high schools use 在线 transcript services. Check with your high school for more information.

To request Georgia High School Equivalency (GED®HiSET®, or CAREER PLUS HSE)记录s:



Applicants who were home-schooled 和 attended an accredited program must submit:

  • 年度进度报告或相当于在家上学学生三年级和四年级的最终成绩单;
  • The final progress report or transcript must include the graduation date.


  • 来自评估工具的官方分数满足大学规定的最低要求. These are 坐, ACT, P坐, PreACT, or ACCUPLACER.
  • 成功完成12小时的大学课程,可获得官方大学成绩单上的学分.


Official college transcripts must be submitted if transfer credit is desired, but college transcripts are not required for admission. The transcript must be received from the college where the grade was earned.



注意: 学生现在可以在没有坐/ACT/Accuplacer或以下任何分数的情况下申请并被录取.

Students will now be required to have a 2.0 high school GPA for Regular admittance.


Having your test scores helps us make sure we give you the best chance of success. 佐治亚技术学院系统致力于帮助每个学生实现他们的最大潜力.

All students applying for 文凭, 学位, 在接受技术学院的学习计划之前,必须对证书课程进行评估.

We accept the following tests:

  • 行为/天性
  • P坐
  • 表9-10阅读成绩为461分或更高,数学成绩为442分或更高,可进入入门级劳动力证书课程
  • 表11/12 M和D级阅读501分,M和D级数学496分. A score of 536 for 阅读 if using Level A 和 537 for Mathematics if using Level A.
  • 乔治亚里程碑文学 & Composition or Georgia Milestones American
  • 文学 & Composition (英语 admission requirement only)
  • 高中GPA 2.0或更高
  • 批准的入门级劳动力证书没有最低高中GPA要求
  • GED®数学或阅读必须达到用于放置任何证书的最低通过分数, 文凭, 或者学位课程
  • HiSET®数学, 阅读, or 语言 Arts must meet the minimum passing score for placement into any certificate, 文凭, 或者学位课程.
  • 填妥的TCSG表格,证明两年的工作/职业相关经验,以获得批准的入门级劳动力证书
  • Accuplacer /伴侣
  • 罗盘/资产


All scores must be valid based on the program minimum requirements. 在重新入学之前,学生可能需要重新测试或提供可接受的转学课程.

如果你是前南新月的学生或就读于地区认可的机构, 完成大学英语或大学代数课程,成绩达到C或C以上, you are not required to take the ACCUPLACER test.

ACCUPLACER is a suite of tests that determines your knowledge in math, reading 和 writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses. ACCUPLACER用于确定您在每个学科领域的优势和劣势,并通过交互式在线学习工具帮助您提高技能. 评估结果, in conjunction with your goals 和 interests, are used by academic advisors to place you in the appropriate college courses.

同伴 纸笔形式的考试适合那些选择不使用计算机考试的学生吗. 纸笔同伴测试被设计成与ACCUPLACER中的计算机自适应测试使用相同的评分标准.

For more information about testing, see our 测试服务 page.



注意: Southern Crescent Technical College does not issue I-20 VISAs.

How can a student verify lawful presence?

  • 提交FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)并有资格获得联邦学生援助的学生将在FAFSA过程中验证其合法存在.
  • A clear copy of an original or certified U.S. Birth Certificate showing the student was born in the U.S. 还是U ?.S. 美国领土.S. 美国国务院签发的海外出生证明(DS-1350)或海外出生领事报告(FS-240). The copy must very clearly show the raised or written seal to be acceptable.
  • A U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (USCIS form N-550 or N-570).
  • A U.S. Certificate of Citizenship (USCIS form N-560 or N-561).
  • A电流U.S. 护照.
  • 未过期的乔治亚州和州外选择的驾驶执照和州身份证在一定条件下可以被接受. 必须是真实身份证件 和 not contain any of the verbiage listed in the table on the 招生政策 page.  如果收到的副本上半部被剪掉,则该文件不符合合法存在.
  • A current military ID (service member only, not dependent). 使用军人身份证工作表的审查确认文件-复印件是不接受的.
  • A current, valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or I-551). 我们需要两个正面 & back sides of your Permanent Resident Card to be submitted. 在学生开始上课的学期的第一天之前,它不得过期.
  • 成绩为F的学生被录取, J或M签证将通过学生和交流访问者信息系统(SEVIS)验证其合法存在。.
  • 以任何其他签证录取的学生将通过系统外国人权利验证(SAVE)计划验证其合法存在.


To receive any financial aid you must complete the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.政府).

  • Southern Crescent’s School Code is: 005621

This application is required for the Pell Grant, 希望格兰特, 希望奖学金, 学生贷款, 和 other financial assistance programs.

Individuals may apply for financial aid BEFORE being before accepted to the College.

如果你想了解更多关于什么经济援助可能提供给你,请访问我们的 金融援助 page.

完整的 a ‘希望奖学金 Evaluation Request Form’


The request form is not available for completion 在线. Download, print 和 submit to the Registrar’s Office at any 十大网赌平台推荐 location.


一定要检查你的 网上申请状态 to keep track of your application process. Statuses are updated as documents are received.



Meet with your Career Advisor to register for your classes.

You can find out how to contact your advisor on the 深思熟虑 page.


十大网赌平台推荐提供一个迎新十大网赌平台推荐,让新生和返校学生充分了解学院的各个领域. 迎新会为学生提供了一个熟悉政策和程序的机会, 以及研究十大网赌平台推荐. It will also introduce students to the college administrators 和 student activities. Students are responsible for obtaining information presented at orientation sessions.

详情请浏览 咆哮(方向) page.



For 学费和杂费 details/information, visit the 学费和杂费 page.


个人年满16岁或以上或双/联合报名的高中9年级学生, 10th, 11th or 12th grades who seek access to quality instruction at the postsecondary level.

南新月技术学院的大多数课程都需要高中文凭或GED. 然而,我们确实如此, 提供一些不需要高中文凭或GED的技术证书课程.

Prospective students entering all 学位, 文凭 和 certificate programs must do all of the following: